I’m Stephen and I am ready to take a chance on you… Are you Ready to Take a Chance on Yourself? It was not that long ago that I sat as a high school dropout with big dreams inside but without a hope in the world to move my life forward. The reality is we will all struggle from time to time and if was not for a key mentor who took a chance on potential that I could not see for myself that everything changed and just maybe you are in a season of reinvention. I know what its like to be there myself and I also know how powerful you could be with the right strategy and principles to guide your every step. Are you ready? I am ready to do it with you, make know mistake you can move from “Stuck to Unstoppable” and it is a lot easier than you think. Your not alone anymore! Let’s get going!


It’s simple! Serve The Person I Used to be at all of The Important Stages of Personal Transformation. Whether you are just trying to level up, become more connected, or remove the fears, doubts, and uncertainty, I am here to serve you the best way I know how. I want you to build a life and business centered on thriving results generated by powerful principles and activities you can do today to build momentum.


I spent over 20 years working hard but still falling short. I was inundated with limiting beliefs, jacked-up relationships, and was constantly spinning my wheels trying to gain traction while continually getting in the way of myself. When my first mentor, Steve Myrick, shocked me out of my stupor with two simple questions and a challenge to back it up, I just knew enough was enough!

For the first time, I was “Awake” and ready to do whatever it takes to destroy my limiting beliefs, overcome my limitations, and build a meaningful life. I am free, I am focused, and I am here to give the gifts I have received that took me from hopeless to complete confidence.

My sole purpose is to teach you how you can show up in your own life in ways that help you change the game, and as a result, radically elevate every area of your life. If I can do it, you sure as hell can too!


But there is so much more to the story! And if I can do it, anyone can!

The Real Story

Dropped out of high school
On my own and tried to not to look back
Made a bunch of money and had the ego to go with it
70k in debt and homeless because of my own foolishness
Discovered a God who loved me more than I loved myself
Given a second chance at life and started the first of 7 businesses from the trash piles of a construction site that lead to a 8-figure industry-leading business
Even though I had built a thriving organization, I was lost isolated and realized that I sucked as a leader and had been leading from insecurity and fear
First book released, proving that anything is possible, even if you struggle with ADHD and Dyslexia as I do. The Journey Principles 10 Simple Principles For A life Journey That Matters)
Almost lost my business to of over two decades to a suspected embezzelment of my former executive team. 1.7 million dollars unaccounted for.
Serious business reversal when I replaced my executive team overnight due to “suspected embezzlement”. I still haven't found the 7-figures.
Team and I rebuilt our infrastructure and began to lead the marketplace once again I put all of my experience, heart, and effort into helping others overcome what stands in their way, especially when that reason is looking back at you in the mirror as it did me
I exited the company I fouded in 1999 to an amazing leadership team that carries on my values and allows me to focus on serving you with life and business content.

I Want to Guide to a
Better Way

Here’s the thing…once you experience the pain of losing everything, you finally understand the true value of it all. The truth is, I got in my own way repeatedly. I fully bought into the lie of “Scoggins don’t get ahead, they get by.” As a result, I beat myself up when I didn’t do well. Even worse, I made myself feel guilty when I WAS doing well, resulting in self sabotaging many of my largest opportunities. I was always smiling on the outside, but honestly I felt like a fraud for way too long.

How About You?

I know the feeling of emptiness that comes from not having enough or even having more than enough but still feeling like something is missing! If you are like me, you probably strive to do well and give everything you’ve got, but keep saying to yourself “If I only had a REAL shot at turning my dreams into reality…” Someone took a chance on me once and it changed everything. Listen up. Hear me when I say I want to take a chance on YOU! I want to show you who you really are when you operate using your gifts at the right time and in the right space. You’re worth it and I will help you see it for yourself!

Let’s Do it Together

Gaining the most out of the important areas of your life isn’t as hard as you may think. In fact it’s simple, but it’s not easy. We will work together to uproot your roadblocks, install the proven principles, and work towards promises. I can tell you that when we take this journey together, there may be some tears, but there will also be laughter that leads you to unshakable confidence. Now here’s the crazy part, when you lock arms with me and get started you will soon discover that the issues have never been about you, but about the generations hidden inside of you. So what do you say? Let’s rocket you to the next level!


Get Stephen’s 52 top life mastery principles to help you transform your life and fuel a life of meaning and purpose. You are worth so much more and together we can make your deepest desires a reality. 


